Building Resilience
Every individual is going through a crisis owing to the uncertainty Post Pandemic. The existing norms are no longer norms and we have more or less adjusted to the new norms .The individuals who have been able to make these adjustments without stress have developed Resilience. Others who have not been able to bounce back have developed serious mental health issues like Anxiety ,OCD , Depression .Having the ability to be resilient means to bounce back, regroup, and lead and inspire others. Some individuals seem to be born resilient. For everyone else, there are learned skills that can increase our resiliency aptitude. Having the ability to take whatever is dealt and still focus on staying on top of our game takes awareness, understanding, and action.

Mental health is a universal human right
The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’. World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health.Here are a few ways to achieve this goal:
Being Resilient=Being Mindful
Step 1 -Restructure your attitude.
Think E R=O: An Event we have no control over, plus our Response, which we have every control over, has everything to do with the Outcome. We get to choose how resilient we’re going to be by how we respond to everything in our lives. It’s all about being aware that things will continue to annoy or frustrate us and that not everyone will like us or our ideas.

And that’s OK.

Step 2 -Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
To grow and become more resilient, we must get used to being uncomfortable. It’s easier to disagree or speak up or any number of other things when you know it’s OK not to be comfortable during the process.
Step 3 -Build your support network.
The more we can get allies at work, the easier it is to problem solve when things get challenging. Use emotional awareness, display empathy, communicate with compassion, and look at what you can do for others. The simple act of focusing on helping others enables us to be more effective in our own endeavors.
Step 4-Be grateful again and again and again.
Remember how much we have to be appreciative of, even on our worse days.
Step 5- Take time for you.
Find some time to replenish or reenergize, regardless of your schedule. Taking a break can also lower your stress, strengthen your immune system, improve cognitive performance, lower your heart rate, increase your energy, and balance your cortisol (stress hormone) levels. There are obviously many good reasons to take time for you.


We often have the added burden of proving their own competence while facing the everyday challenges of a busy career. Resilience is the skill that enables individuals of every age to cope, regroup, and model the attributes of leadership, wherever they are within an organization


The new coronavirus pandemic has changed everything. With more than a billion people in lockdown, it has upended life as we knew. We don’t know what a better future would look like and when it’ll come.During these uncertain and difficult times, we need to look within ourselves to find strength to not only manage our day to day responsibilities but also to find joy of living.


Boost your daily happiness through –

  • Movement
  • Mindfulness
  • Mastery
  • Meaningful social relationships 

Dr Jayanti Sundar Rajan
Consultant Psychologist
Roshni Counseling Center